Voler Car Limited
Share Price Target & Analysis













52 Week High

-4.00 (-4.44%)


52.1% Momentum

Turnaround Potential


52 Week Low










NSE: VOLERCAR Share Price Financial Analysis & Valuation

Voler Car Limited (VOLERCAR) is broadly categorized in Miscellaneous segment industry which deals in Miscellaneous vertical. It is one of Micro Cap company with Market Capitalization of Rs 0 (in Cr). Total number of free float shares are 0 (in Lacs). Voler Car Limited is listed on NSE with Exchange ID - INE241X01014 and trading code is NSE:VOLERCAR with short name Voler Car.

In the past 1 year, Voler Car Limited has declared an equity dividend of Rs 0 per share. At the current share price of VOLERCAR at Rs 86.00, this results in a dividend yield of 0 %.

As per the Fundamental Analysis of NSE:VOLERCAR, which uses revenues, earnings, future growth, financial ratios, return on equity, profit margins, and other data to determine VOLERCAR underlying value and future prospects. All of this data is available in VOLERCAR financial statements.

Quality of the Stock: As per the fundamental analysis of NSE:VOLERCAR, it is clearly understood that VOLERCAR is Uncertain performer in terms of earnings and profit margins with an EPS of 0. NSE:VOLERCAR book value per share as of today is 12.62. The current price to book ratio for VOLERCAR as of Mar 17, 2025 is 6.81.

Valuation of the Stock: The current valuation of VOLERCAR stock is like Unclear which means currently the stock is Confusing. Now, it's totally depends upon the risk appetite of an investor and risk-reward ratio of VOLERCAR whether to BUY this stock at current valuation. The delivery percentage of VOLERCAR is 96.08% is very crucial parameter which shows that 96.08% investors are anticipating that the price of VOLERCAR share should go up with VWAP at 87.6.

Now, the main question is whether to BUY or SELL, NSE:VOLERCAR at current valuation.
As per latest Analysis No. #69:-


BUY VOLERCAR (at Lower Levels) if any 2 Greens

NEUTRAL or HOLD VOLERCAR (With Stop Loss) if only 1 Green

SELL VOLERCAR if NO Green Indicator

NSE: VOLERCAR Share Price Today (Mar 17, 2025)

(Voler Car Limited Daily Analysis on the basis of VOLERCAR Intraday Graph & Trend)

Voler Car Limited share price moved Down by -4.44% from its previous close of Rs 90. VOLERCAR stock last traded price is 86.00. VOLERCAR share price trend is Down with a total of 12800 stocks traded till now. It has touched an intraday high of Rs 90.2 and an intraday low of Rs 86. The VOLERCAR trading at 86.00, Down by Rs. -4.00, or -4.44 percent which suggests that most of the Traders are anticipating that the price of VOLERCAR share should go Down.

NSE: VOLERCAR Share Price Tomorrow Prediction

(Voler Car Limited Share Price Prediction for Tomorrow & future forecast is based on Current Trend of VOLERCAR)

Voler Car Limited share price moved Down by -4.44%. VOLERCAR share price short term trend is Down. It suggests that VOLERCAR Share Price for Tomorrow remains the same with VWAP at 87.6 will be treated as stop loss for intraday traders. Voler Car Limited Long term investors can follow the VOLERCAR long term trend as mentiond in future forecast table.

NSE Code


VOLERCAR Share Price Today


VOLERCAR Share Price Target Prediction for 2025 ^

82.2 - 94.4

VOLERCAR Share Price Target Prediction for 2026*^

94.4 - 98.2

VOLERCAR Share Price Target Prediction for 2027*^

98.2 - 103.1

VOLERCAR Share Price Target Prediction for 2028*^


VOLERCAR Share Price Target Prediction for 2029*^


VOLERCAR Share Price Target Prediction for 2030*^

VOLERCAR Current Book Value 2024

*Voler Car Limited Short Term & Long Term share price target is based on current financial year earings of the company.

^VOLERCAR share price target prediction for 2025 2026 2027 to 2030 is based on current market scenario, future forecast & growth assumptions, they might change subject to market sentiments.

VOLERCAR Technical Analysis (In Process... .. .)

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Most popular Questions & Answers about VOLERCAR

Voler Car Limited stock last traded price is 86.00. VOLERCAR share price moved Down by -4.44% from its previous close of Rs 90.

Voler Car Limited share price trend is Down with a total of 12800 stocks traded till now. It has touched an intraday high of Rs 94.839 and an intraday low of Rs 86. The VOLERCAR trading at 86.00, Down by Rs. -4.00, or -4.44 percent which suggests that most of the Traders are anticipating that the price of VOLERCAR share should go Down and the Stop Loss will be around 87.6.

The market cap of Voler Car Limited is ₹0 (in Cr) as of Mar 16, 2025.

The current price to earning ratio for Voler Car Limited as of Mar 16, 2025 is 40.19.

The current price to book ratio for Voler Car Limited as of Mar 16, 2025 is 6.81.

The highest price of Voler Car Limited stock is ₹93.9 in the last 52-week.

The lowest price of Voler Car Limited stock is ₹77.4 in the last 52-week.

Voler Car Limited share trading at ₹86.00, Down by Rs. -4.00, or -4.44 percent which suggests that most of the traders are anticipating that the price of VOLERCAR share should go Down.

In 2023, Stock price target for Voler Car Limited (VOLERCAR) are ₹82.2 on downside and ₹94.4 on upside. Voler Car Limited share price target is based on current financial year earings of the company.

In 2024, Stock price target for Voler Car Limited (VOLERCAR) are ₹94.4 on downside and ₹98.2 on upside. Voler Car Limited share price target is based on forecasted future earnings of the company.

In 2025, Stock price target for Voler Car Limited (VOLERCAR) are ₹98.2 on downside and ₹103.1 on upside. Voler Car Limited share price target is based on Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method uses the projected future cash flows of the business.

In next five years, Stock price target for Voler Car Limited (VOLERCAR) will be around ₹109 Voler Car Limited share price target is based on market scenario & growth assumptions, they might change subject to market sentiments and forecasted future earnings of VOLERCAR.

The price of Voler Car Limited (VOLERCAR) shares moved by -4.44%. The short-term trend for VOLERCAR share price is Down. It implies that the share price of VOLERCAR will stay the same tomorrow and that intraday traders should treat VWAP at 87.6 as a stop loss. Investors with a long-term outlook can track VOLERCAR long-term trajectory, which is indicated in the future forecast table.

Estimated DCF Value of VOLERCAR stock is Unavailable at this moment. Compared to the current market price of 86.00 INR, the VOLERCAR stock is unpredictable by lack of Insufficient data.

As per the fundamental analysis of Voler Car Limited (VOLERCAR), it is of Uncertain quality in terms of earnings and profit margins with an EPS of 0. Voler Car Limited book value per share as of today is 12.62. The current price to book ratio for VOLERCAR as of Mar 17, 2025 is 6.81.

NSE:VOLERCAR News & Other Useful Information about VOLERCAR Share Price

Peer Comparison of NSE: VOLERCAR

The Peers list includes companies operating in the same industry and having comparable market cap.

Sector: Miscellaneous

Company Price EPS BV
GATEWAY 58.98 4.5 38.87
TITAN 3016.40 36.62 168.64
STYLAMIND 1609.00 76.95 353.6
NYKAA 166.72 0.6 5.63
IRCTC 690.65 15.51 44.04
NAUKRI 6468.00 56.28 2674.67
INTLCONV 68.32 13.52 54.86
MALLCOM 1125.00 64.05 389.61
JUBLFOOD 618.65 2.58 34.67
ANMOL 16.22 1.63 17.68
Updated at: 17 Mar 2025 10:28

Feel free to contact us, in case of any queries.

Disclaimer: Published information or data available on the Website may not be current or up to date and also any information or data available on this website may contain inaccuracies and/or typographical errors. Kindly refer any reliable source for its accuracy. If you select any of these stocks for your trades, you do so at your own risk.

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